The man whose girlfriend was killed inside a motor home near Emery County's Horse Canyon appeared briefly before a judge Tuesday.
But Lanny Hubert Wayman, 59, has not been formally charged with anything. Instead, a 7th District judge ordered him held in the Emery County Jail on $100,000 cash-only bond. Prosecutors had begun looking at the case Tuesday.
"I anticipate filing charges soon," said Brent Langston, deputy Emery County Attorney. "I don't know a time frame yet."
Investigators had no motive yet, either.
"He's not talking and the indications are that he got real upset with her for whatever reason," Emery County Sheriff LaMar Guyman said Tuesday. "To strangle someone I think you'd have to be."
Police found Antoinette "Toni" Corum, 59, Saturday night dead in her motor home. Investigators said she had been strangled.
According to a probable cause affidavit filed in 7th District Court, Wayman called his brother in East Carbon, Movell Wayman, saying he had killed his girlfriend and was going to kill himself.
"Movell then called his brother, Randy Wayman, and they met with Lanny near the SR-6/Horse Canyon turn-off," Emery County Sheriff's Capt. Kyle Ekker wrote in the affidavit. "When the brothers met with Lanny, (he) had a .22 caliber rifle in his hands, which they managed to get away from him. They then took Lanny into East Carbon, where the police were called, and Lanny was taken into custody."
At Corum's motor home near the junction of U.S. 6 and Horse Canyon, East Carbon police officers said they found a foot protruding from some blankets. Sheriff's deputies said they found Toni Corum's body under a pile of blankets.
"The body was partially clothed and had drag marks on the back and scrapes on the arms," Ekker wrote.
Sheriff's deputies said they do not know if Corum was killed in Emery County or somewhere else. A search warrant was served Monday night at a home in Cedar City, where Corum lived. Guyman said the search yielded little except to establish that Wayman and Corum had been living there together.
Family members told police the victim and Lanny Wayman had been living together off and on for several years. Wayman had once served prison time in Nevada for assaulting Corum.