Seven more mission presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency to begin their service about July 1. Assignments were announced in the March 4 issue of Church News. The leaders are:
Dany Tapiru Daquioag, 46, Philippines Bacolod Mission; Laoag 1st Ward, Laoag Philippines Stake; counselor in the Philippines Laoag Mission presidency; former counselor in the Philippines Baguio Mission presidency, stake president, counselor in a district presidency and branch president. Principal, Ilocos Norte National High School. Born in Abulug, Cagayan, Philippines, to Exequiel Batara and Carmelita Tapiru Daquioag. Married Arceli Agustin Pedro, four children.
A stake public affairs and employment specialist, Sister Daquioag is a former stake Young Women president, counselor in a stake Relief Society presidency, Sunday School teacher and institute instructor. Born in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines, to Bernardino Agcaoili and Eugenio Josefina Agustin Pedro.
Tevita Hualela'Imoana Funaki, 57, Papua New Guinea Port Moresby Mission; Liahona 1st Ward, Nuku'alofa Tonga Liahona Stake; patriarch; former high councilor, high priests group leader, branch president, seminary teacher and missionary in the Tonga Mission. Seminary Coordinator, CES. Born in Ha'atu'a, 'Eua, Tonga, to Sione Kolo and Nau Kakala Napa'a Funaki. Married Lolina Tupou, five children.
A patriarch's scribe, Sister Funaki is a former stake and ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president and missionary in the Tonga Mission. Born in Tongatapu, Tonga, to Semisi 'Anitema and 'Elenoa Tupou.
Paul Randy Johnson, 55, Brazil Belo Horizonte East Mission; Olivenhain Ward, Del Mar California Stake; stake executive secretary; former bishop, high councilor, stake and ward Young Men president, seminary teacher and missionary in the Brazil South Mission. Retired chief financial officer, PepperBall Technologies. Born in Salina, Utah, to Thomas Floyd and Gladys Ogden Johnson. Married Carolyn Jeannette Thatcher, three children.
A temple ordinance worker, Sister Johnson is a former ward Young Women president and counselor, stake Young Women camp director, ward Primary president, Relief Society teacher and enrichment leader. Born in San Gabriel, Calif., to George Oren and Carolyn Jeannette Nelson Thatcher.
Sofocles Euripides Moran, 44, Chile Santiago East Mission; Las Penas Ward, Guayaquil Ecuador East Stake; counselor in the Ecuador Guayaquil North Mission and country public affairs director; former district president and counselor, counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, high councilor and missionary in the Ecuador Quito Mission. Institute director, CES. Born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Colon Filiberto Moran Gallegos and Rosa Blanca Munoz Sanchez. Married Solanda Asucena Piedrahita Morante, six children.
A nursery leader and seminary teacher, Sister Moran is a former ward Relief Society and Primary president, counselor in a ward Young Women presidency and Sunday School teacher. Born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Riquelme Gonzalo Piedrahita Morante and Gloria Azucena Morante Cordero.
Raul Hector Spitale, 45, Argentina Bahia Blanca Mission; Rosedal Ward, Cordoba Argentina West Stake; stake president; former counselor in a stake presidency, counselor in the Argentina Cordoba Mission presidency, stake mission president, bishop and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires North Mission. Owner of Motorcycle Parts Shop. Born in Cordoba, Argentina, to Lorenzo and Maria Bettega Spitale. Married Monica Beatriz Francisquetti, five children.
A ward Relief Society president, Sister Spitale is a former stake and ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, temple ordinance worker and seminary teacher. Born in Malargue, Argentina, to Florentino and Antonia Mariette Olmos Francisquetti.
Ernesto Rene Toris, 43, Mexico Monterrey West Mission; Agua Azul Ward, Puebla Mexico Valsequillo Stake; former stake president and counselor, bishop and counselor and missionary in the Mexico Merida Mission. Regional manager, COP. Born in Taxco Guerrero, Mexico, to Alejandro Toris and Maria Teresa Fortanel de Toris. Married Patricia G. Guerrero Jimenez, four children.
A counselor in the ward Relief Society presidency, Sister Toris is a former ward Relief Society president and counselor, ward Young Women president, counselor in a ward Primary presidency and seminary teacher. Born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Sergio Guerrero Calderon and Maria Ascencion Jimenez de Guerrero.
Omar Villalobos, 42, Mexico Hermosillo Mission; Santa Monica Ward, Mexico City Lomas Verdes Stake; stake president; former counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, counselor in a stake Young Men presidency, high councilor and missionary in the Mexico Mexico City North Mission. Manager of Communications and Information Systems, COP. Born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Benito Villalobos Vazquez and Ruth Josefina Saunders Morales Villalobos. Married Sonia Tavera, five children.
A ward Primary president, Sister Villalobos is a former counselor in ward Relief Society and Primary presidencies, Primary teacher and Sunday School teacher. Born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Felipe Tavera Gonzalez and Maria De La Luz Escarcega Ramirez Tavera.