Food trivia questions from Food Network's "Unwrapped" show that airs on Monday nights at 9 and 9:30 PM ET/PT.
1. The dish known as arroz con pollo (a-rose con poy-yo), the pollo is chicken; what is the arroz?
2. The name of what French chicken dish means "blue ribbon"?
3. What Russian-style chicken dish takes its name from the capital of Ukraine?
4. A 1935 novel by John Steinbeck features the name of what unleavened Mexican bread in the title?
5. Mexican tamales are typically cooked in what natural vegetable wrapper?
6. What two word electric baking appliance cooks by means of rapidly circulating hot air?
7. The banning of liquor during the 1920's is most commonly referred to by what 11-letter word?
8. What slang term once used to describe a liquor smuggler, was inspired by a hiding place for a bottle on one's person?
9. This British malted "sour wine" is often douched on fish and chips.
10. What French term meaning "tavern" refers to a casual cafe serving food and wine?
1. Rice
2. (chicken) cordon bleu
3. Chicken Kiev
4. Tortilla ("Tortilla Flats")
5. Cornhusks
6. Convection oven
7. Prohibition
8. Bootlegger
9. Malt vinegar
10. Bistro
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