Amazing Race (7 p.m., Ch. 2): Tonight, the show goes where it has rarely gone before — the Middle East. The remaining teams travel to Oman, where they wrangle camels and dig in the desert, among other things.
The Standard of Perfection: Show Cats (7 p.m., Ch. 7): Well, here's something you don't see every day — people getting their cats ready to compete in the Cat Fanciers' Association International Cat Show.
Bones (7 p.m., Ch. 13): Brennan blacks out — and might have committed a murder. (Although will anyone be surprised if she didn't really do it?)
NBA (7 p.m., Ch. 14): Well, it's not like there's a lot of suspense involved in the Jazz's season finale as they host Golden State. Utah has already been eliminated from the playoffs, so the only question that remains is — can the Jazz beat the Warriors and avoid a second-straight losing season by improving their record to 41-41?
Holy Warriors (8 p.m., Ch. 7): Instead of recounting current troubles in the Middle East, this two-hour documentary recounts 12th-century troubles as England's King Richard the Lionheart leads a crusade to free Jerusalem, which Saladin and his Muslim fathers had wrested from Christian control. And the Christians don't come off so well — led by Richard, they slaughter thousands of prisoners, while Saladin shows mercy to his foes.
American Idol (8 p.m., Ch. 13): One of the seven remaining hopefuls is eliminated. And Rod Stewart performs.
CSI: NY (9 p.m., Ch. 2): There's a body buried in the end zone at Giants Stadium. (Hey, shouldn't that be on "CSI: NJ"?)