PROVO — The man accused of blowing out a chunk of U.S. 6 will have a one-day jury trial July 20.
Travis Stewart, 31, is charged in 4th District Court with causing a catastrophe and reckless endangerment, both class A misdemeanors, and a class B misdemeanor of reckless driving.
The charges stem from an Aug. 10 accident in Spanish Fork Canyon. Stewart was headed to Oklahoma in a truck loaded with explosives. He had just left the Ensign-Bickford Industries explosive company in Spanish Fork.
In the canyon, the truck jack-knifed and skidded across the road.
The friction ignited the cargo and blasted a 70-foot-wide crater out of the road.
At the time, officials said they believed speed was one factor for the accident, which injured at least 10 people. Stewart was flown by helicopter to University Hospital but has since recovered.
Concussion waves from the blast also blew out windshields and crumpled car frames.
The road was fixed within 36 hours. The $180,000 repair cost doesn't include repairs to the Union Pacific line.