SANDY — The Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research will sponsor its annual conference Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. at the South Towne Exposition Center, 9575 S. State.
Speakers will address various topics defending Latter-day Saint doctrine, history and practice, including the legal trials of Joseph Smith, DNA and the Book of Mormon, Mark Hofmann's Mormon document forgeries, the Book of Abraham, New World evidences of Book of Mormon historicity, reflections on race and the restored gospel, linguistic connections between the Middle East and the Americas and other issues.
The public is invited to attend the conference. More information is available at
FAIR is an independent organization dedicated to defending the LDS faith through sound research and logic. FAIR is not affiliated with and does not receive support from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. FAIR is made up of independent researchers who are both members and nonmembers of the LDS Church.