Summary of divorce- and child support-related bills awaiting approval by the Utah Legislature:
HB15, Rep. Julie Fisher, R-Fruit Heights — Allows the state Office of Recovery Services to administratively suspend the drivers' licenses of noncustodial parents who are 60 days or more behind on their child support payments.
HB17, Rep. Lorie Fowlke, R-Orem — Allows courts to require delinquent child support obligors to post a bond for an amount equal to the total for 36 months of child support payments.
HB18, Rep. Julie Fisher, R-Fruit Heights — Allows eligible noncustodial parents to authorize the state Office of Recovery Services to electronically transfer monthly payments from their bank accounts rather than withhold income from their paychecks.
HB32, Rep. Julie Fisher, R-Fruit Heights — Expands statewide an existing 3rd District pilot program that offers mediation to parents in disputes about visitation.
HB128, Rep. Lorie Fowlke, R-Orem — Requires the filing of a temporary separation order before a divorce filing and mandates couples attend a divorce orientation course.
HB133, Rep. Lorie Fowlke, R-Orem — Allows overnight parent-time for infants aged 12 to 18 months and adds Halloween as a holiday for visitation purposes.
SB23, Sen. Greg Bell, R-Farmington — Updates and recalculates the state's child support guidelines and makes changes to the calculation of medical expenses and child care amounts.
SB104, Sen. Allen Christensen, R-North Ogden — Allows the state Office of Recovery Services to impose a $25 annual fee, as required by federal law, in cases where custodial parents have never received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
Four other bills are in the process of being drafted, including the only one to address relationships pre-divorce. Rep. Roz McGee's legislation, titled "Marriage Preparation Education," would offer a reduction of the marriage license fee for couples who attend premarital counseling. The Salt Lake Democrat has carried a similar bill the past two years.