Dear Heloise:Would you please reprint the formula for the deck wash using detergent? I saw it in our paper, but my daughter took the paper to work. —E.N., New Jersey
You bet! It's been quite a while since this easy cleaning formula has been printed. All you need to do is mix together 1 cup regular liquid laundry detergent with 1 gallon hot water, then apply with a soft-bristle brush or a push broom. Allow the solution "work" time, about 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse well. Stubborn stains might need to be scrubbed a little to completely remove them. For really stubborn grime, you might need to repeat.
If mildew is a problem, you can add 1 cup household chlorine bleach to the above mixture, or use a detergent that "whitens and brightens." Just use caution with your clothing, and wear gloves to protect your hands, as well as eye protection. —Heloise
Dear Heloise:I carry a small mister bottle filled with water in my purse. When I'm hot and uncomfortable, I give myself a small spritz, and it's refreshing. Sometimes I add a drop or two of lavender essential oil to the water for a calming effect, especially at night in my hotel room. —B.B. from Utah, via e-mail
Dear Heloise: I thought you might pass this tip on to your readers. I hang CDs (the freebies that come in the mail) up in my vegetable garden. They shift and turn in the breeze, keeping birds out of my garden! The birds really don't like the way the sun reflects off the shiny side, and the movement scares them away. I rarely get any bird damage in my garden! —Becca in Burns, Tenn.
Dear Heloise:I learned an important and expensive (the plumber's bill) lesson: Only put toilet paper in the toilet. Never put facial tissues, paper towels, paper napkins, rags, cellophane or plastic in the toilet, because any of the above can cause the toilet to clog. —Eddie Hartman, San Antonio
Dear Heloise: This worked so well for me that I wanted to share it. After knee surgery, I needed to keep my bandages dry in the shower. I tried using garbage bags and duct tape, but that didn't work well and hurt to pull off. Then I tried the kitchen wrap that seals. It wrapped tightly, and unlike regular kitchen wrap, it is a little bit sticky and adheres to the skin without tape. It sealed the water out and kept my bandages dry. —J.B. in Alabama
Send a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; fax: 210-435-6473; e-mail: © King Features Syndicate Inc.