The Utah Office of Tourism will present a series of workshops about its cooperative marketing campaign this spring.
The workshops will feature reviews of changes in the co-op guidelines, applications and procedures. They will feature comments from the Board of Tourism Development's Cooperative Marketing Committee; Donna Law, former director of marketing from the Utah Shakespearean Festival; and Nan Anderson of the Utah Tourism Industry Coalition.
The workshops will be April 12 at Abbey Inn, St. George; April 27 at the State Capitol Complex West Building (House Building) Room W135, Salt Lake City; and May 17 at the College of Eastern Utah, Price, in conjunction with the Utah Tourism Conference. Each workshop begins at 2 p.m.
The workshops are free and open to the public, but reservations are encouraged by sending an e-mail to Kelly Day at
Nonprofit and destination marketing organizations that have been in existence for at least one year are eligible to apply for co-op marketing funding. The next deadline for submission of regular co-op applications is June 29. Details can be found online at
Over the past two years, the tourism board has approved 111 applications totaling $3.7 million from various parts of the state.