Delilah Grace Merrill
Our Angel of Courage
There are few brief moments in life where God opens the veil of heaven and our lives, our souls, and our hearts are forever changed. The day you came into our lives was one of those precious sweet moments. Your mother and I will always cherish the gift of life you gave to us despite all of the odds you faced to give it, and how hard you had to fight to give it to us. To see you breath, to see you fight, to hold you, to be able to tell you how much we love you, and to then let you go to return to Heaven, were our proudest, happiest, and hardest moments as your parents. We love you beyond what any words can express. We miss you and will forever cherish the time we had together as a family, as short as it may have been. We just wish we could have kept you longer.
Delilah, we will never forget you, our first-born child, or how hard you fought to be with us for those few minutes that will always be held close to our hearts. Someday we will be together again, but until that time we will celebrate your life, the lives you have changed, and will always long to have you with us. Sweet Dreams, our little girl. Mom and Dad are so proud of you. Thank you for all you did and all you gave.
Delilah Grace Merrill was born at 3:08 a.m. Sunday, July 29, 2007, and returned to her Heavenly Father shortly thereafter.
Ssurvived by her parents, Christina and Gary M. Merrill, her maternal grandparents Esther and Russell Peterson, her paternal grandparents Peggy and Gary O. Merrill, and her extended loving family of a great-great-grandmother, great grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Delilah will be remembered by family and friends at a Memorial Service, to be held at 2 p.m on August 11, 2007 at the Valley View Memorial Funeral Home, 4335 West 4100 South, West Valley, UT.