Here's an example of government going way beyond where it should. I have been restoring a car to operate safely on Utah roads. This entailed replacing the frame on a vehicle that had corroded. The Division of Motor Vehicles requires that if the frame is replaced, a new title and vehicle ID number is issued for that title. This means that a $35,000 car has been reduced to the value of about $8,000 — and all because I wanted to be safe in driving.
And why? The only concept of "why" is to stop chop shops from building new cars with stolen parts. I would be more than willing to supply the title and VINs for the new frame to prove that nothing came from a chop shop, provided that the old VIN and title remain intact. However, this entire process is going to cost time and money — and it doesn't thwart a chop shop that puts it together due to the inaccessibility of the frame's VIN.
None of this benefits anyone.
Joe Lewis