In response to the ongoing tragedy at the Crandall Canyon mine, College of Eastern Utah announced a tuition assistance program for the dependents of the members of the mine rescue team who were killed Aug. 16 in an attempt to rescue the six trapped miners in the Crandall Canyon Mine.
"It is in times of tragedy that we must come together as a community to address the needs of those who are suffering. We at College of Eastern Utah offer what we have as a token of our caring for those who have been affected by these devastating events," said College President Ryan Thomas. Thomas' grandfather was a coal miner who lost two brothers in the Scofield (Winter Quarters) Mine Disaster in the early 1900's.
Tuition will be waived by the college for any legal dependant of the deceased rescuers. Donations have also been received to help cover other associated educational expenses. Individuals or organizations interested in donating to this fund should make their check out to College of Eastern Utah Crandall Canyon Disaster Scholarship Fund. Donations are tax deductible, and 100 one hundred percent of the donations will be restricted to covering educational expenses for these dependents ants while they attend College of Eastern Utah.
The college is committed to the ongoing rescue efforts for the trapped miners. Should rescue efforts prove unsuccessful; the program will be expanded to care for the educational needs of the legal dependants of the trapped miners.
Donations should be sent to Attention: Institutional Advancement Office, College of Eastern Utah, 451 E. 400 North, Price, UT 84501.