Stake reorganizations
GENERAL ROCA ARGENTINA STAKE: (July 22, 2007) President Sergio Omar Romero H., 32, Church employee, succeeding Jose Cornelio Reyes; wife, Leticia Elizabeth Galvan H. de Romero. Counselors — Silverio Simon Melo C., 42, sheet cutter at Carlos Isla and Co. S.A.; wife, Ana Laura Tomasevich de Melo. Facundo Javier Leiva, 27, teacher at Provincial Education Council; wife, Roasana Vanesa Lobos N. de Leiva.
MEXICO CITY ANAHUAC STAKE: (June 24, 2007) President Ismael Cifuentes R., 43, sales manager at Proset Mexicana, succeeding Miguel Angel Barrera Davila; wife, Beatriz Gomez G. de Cifuentes. Counselors — Victor Manuel Martinez E., 39, department director at Mexican Istitute of the Radio; wife, Silvia Elizabeth Bolanos C. de Martinez. Antonio Rangel D., 63, administrator at Rolando Aguilar; wife, Ramona Lopez E. de Rangel.
NUKU'ALOFA TONGA CENTRAL STAKE: (August 12, 2007) President Fineasi Manase Nau, 59, chief executive officer at Nonu International Limited, succeeding Aminiasi Hoa Fonua; wife, 'Ema'ile (Winnie) 'Alusa Nau. Counselors — Tuai-mei-'uta Finau, 36, west zone facilities management supervisor in LDS Tonga Service Centre; wife, Tulima Naulangi Finau. Andrew To'imoana, 35, ICS manager in LDS Tonga Service Centre; wife, Supiesi Paongo To'imoana.
NUKU'ALOFA TONGA SOUTH STAKE: (August 12, 2007) President Lemiuela Vea, 45, owner/manager of Alohalani Yard & Motor Services, succeeding 'Aisake Kauvaka Tukuafu; wife, 'Enilose Olevao Vea. Counselors — Seluini 'Iloa, 39, customs officer; wife, Melenaite Mahina 'Iloa. 'Olikoni Ta'ai, 35, assistant director of admissions in USP Tonga Campus; wife, Vaitoli-kakala Ve'ehala Ta'ai.