The Ballet Centre will hold auditions for company class and the upcoming ballet "Scrooge" on Monday, 70 E. 4880 South in Murray. Audition time for dancers ages 8-12 will be 6 p.m.; dancers older than 12 will auditoin at 7 p.m. (265-0707 to reserve a slot).
"Short Shorts Festival," co-sponsored by Wasatch Theatre Company and the Utah Assocation of Community Theatres, on Tuesday, 7-9 p.m. in Studio A of the Rose Wagner Center, 138 W. Broadway (300 South). Auditioners will be asked to read from the provided scripts.
Actors of all ages and backgrounds are needed. Several local theater companies will be involved in directing and producting the event. The annual "Short Shorts Festival" is part of WTC's "Page to Stage" program. Several original short scripts by local playwrights have been selected. Performances will be late September and early October in the Rose Wagner Studio Theatre.
"Savior of the World," the annual Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints production during the Christmas season, on Wednesday-Saturday, 5-10 p.m., this week at the Bountiful Regional Center, 835 N. 400 East, North Salt Lake. These auditions are by appointment only (240-6492) for LDS actors of all ages.
For those auditioning for lead roles, bring a resume and come prepared to sing 16-32 bars of a "legit" or classic musical-theater song.
For the ensemble roles, families with children at least 8 years old are encouraged to audition together. You will be asked to sing an LDS hymn or Primary song as a family. Ensemble members cast in the production will be called as service missionaries.
Auditions will also be held on Sept. 6, 5-10 p.m., in the Knight-Magnum building at Brigham Young University, 900 North and Campus Drive. Advance appointments are recommended but walk-ins will also be permitted.
Rehearsals will begin Sept. 15. Performances are Nov. 16-Dec. 29 in the Conference Center Theater.