The Closer (7 and 10 p.m., TNT): An accountant who works for the Department of Homeland Security is murdered.
History Detectives (8 p.m., Ch. 7): A letter may have been signed by Abraham Lincoln.
Dateline (9 p.m., Ch. 5): Security consultant Bill Stanton offers advice on how to stay safe.
America at a Crossroads (9 p.m., Ch. 7): "The Anti-Americans (a Hate/Love Relationship)" looks at the estrangement between Europeans and Americans.
Kyle XY (9 p.m., ABC Family): Jess is out of control.
Greek (10 p.m., ABC Family): Zeta Beta Zeta plans a charitable performance as part of its community service.
Weeds (11 p.m., Showtime): Nancy discovers new dangers.