The SLC Film Center's New Face of Africa Film Series Presents "Welcome to Nollywood," with special guest executive producer Henry Rosenthal, at 7 p.m. on Monday in the Salt Lake City Library Auditorium, 210 E. 400 South.
The Nigerian film industry, known as Nollywood, has exploded in the past 10 years. It is now the third-largest film industry in the world, and yet it is virtually unknown outside of Africa. Jamie Meltzer has created a look at this emerging film industry, exploring its peculiar inner workings, economic challenges and diverse array of films.
"Welcome to Nollywood" tells the stories of three directors and their latest productions, while also using interviews with scholars, actors and journalists who celebrate the industry in insightful and often humorous ways. The film runs 58 minutes and is not rated but contains strong language. It is open to the public with a suggested $5 donation.