My neighbor down the street doesn't like me. About five years ago his cat kept killing the birds I was feeding in my back yard. To stop the killing, I rented a cat trap from animal services and — bingo! I had his cat in a trap. I didn't even know it was his cat.

I turned the cat over to animal services and they impounded it as a nuisance cat. It cost my neighbor $50 to get his cat out of the slammer. He has never spoken to me since, except for an occasional finger wave.

If our Legislature, in its infinite Nazi-style wisdom, passes SB34, well, guess who the first person will be to call in and accuse me of being a bad driver? My neighbor doesn't have a clue as to my driving skill. He has never driven with me. He will turn me in because he doesn't like me, and under this bill I will have to face his harassment simply because I am 77 years old. SB34 is patterned after how so many people got sent to concentration camps back then. Being 77, I remember all about that.

Gary Adams

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