• Winner: David Archuleta still has a ways to go to become this year's "American Idol," but the welcome he received Friday at The Gateway, at Murray High School and at the Jazz game showed that Utahns already consider him a winner. Fame can do strange things to people. Here's hoping young Archuleta never forgets where he comes from.
• Loser: Police arrested 75 San Diego State University students this week, all members of fraternities who were suspected of dealing illegal drugs on campus. The bust, which netted 96 total arrests, came as a shock to many because of its scope, the amount of drugs and guns involved, and its alleged ties to Mexican cartels. One arrested student was about to graduate with a degree in criminal justice.
• Winner: Ethan Hall likes to pretend he's a superhero. That's not unusual for a 9-year-old, but this newspaper carrier in Sycamore, Ill., can lay claim to a truly heroic deed. Last week, he noticed papers were piling up in front of the home of an elderly lady on his route. He told his parents, who told police. They found the woman on the floor in her kitchen, where she had fallen three days earlier and could not get up.
She will be OK. To make sure, however, Ethan volunteered to mow her lawn this summer and bring her mail and papers to the hospital. Superhero, indeed. Or, as Ethan said to the DeKalb Chronicle, "One more citizen safe."