Seven new mission presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin service about July 1.

Richard Edwin Anderson, 64, Philippines San Pablo Mission; Kays Ward, Kaysville Utah West Stake; former counselor in a stake presidency, bishop and counselor, ward missionary, temple ordinance worker and missionary in the Southern California Mission. Benefit sales/Life Corporate Benefits. Born in Burley, Idaho, to Edwin Earl and Beatrice Lurene Warren Anderson. Married Nada Hatch, seven children.

A ward Primary teacher and counselor, Sister Anderson is a former ward Relief Society and Young Women president, ward Sunday School teacher, temple ordinance worker, stake Young Women counselor and Relief Society compassionate service leader. Born in Portland, Ore., to Elton Given and Zelma Orton Hatch.

Leobardo De La Cruz, 47, Mexico Oaxaca Mission; Independencia Ward, Guadalajara Mexico Independencia Stake; counselor in the Mexico Guadalajara South Mission presidency; former stake president, bishop, mission secretary and missionary in the Mexico Mexico City South Mission. Coordinator, Church Educational System. Born in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, to Tobias De La Cruz Guerrero and Lorenza Rosales. Married Virginia Valerio Martinez, five children.

A stake Young Women president, Sister De La Cruz is a former ward Primary and Young Women president, stake Primary secretary, Relief Society teacher and seminary teacher. Born in Francisco I. Madero, Coahuila, Mexico, to Lauro Valerio Esparza and Alicia Martinez Diaz.

Robert Wyman Drewes, 65, Arkansas Little Rock Mission; Rockwall 1st Ward, Richardson Texas Stake; bishop of the Dallas 11th (YSA) Ward; former counselor in a stake presidency, high councilor, high priest group leader and gospel doctrine teacher. President, L-3 Communications Group and retired Maj. Gen., United States Air Force. Born in Berwyn, Ill., to John Herbert and Beatrice Sleeper Wyman Drewes. Married Roberta Joyce Gilson, three children.

A ward Relief Society teacher, Sister Drewes is a former counselor in stake Relief Society and Young Women presidencies, ward Relief Society and Young Women president and temple ordinance worker. Born in Attleboro, Mass., to Donald James and Madeline Ruth Ross Gilson.

Timothy John Dyches, 57, Oregon Portland Mission; Skyline Ward, Reno Nevada Stake; Area Seventy; former stake president and counselor, high councilor and missionary in the Germany South Mission. Surgeon. Born in Murray, Utah., to Milo Frederick and Mary Katherine Roberts Dyches. Married Jill Elizabeth Dudley, three children.

A gospel doctrine teacher, Sister Dyches is a former ward Young Women president, counselor in a ward Relief Society presidency, ward Web master, stake family history consultant and temple ordinance worker. Born in Hartford, Conn., to Paul Russell and Rose Coyer Dudley.

Dan Northcutt, 57, Argentina Salta Mission; Scripps Ranch 1st Ward, Penasquitos California Stake; former stake president, bishop, stake mission president, seminary teacher and missionary in the Southeast Mexican Mission. Owner of Northcutt Properties, Inc. Born in Gainesville, Texas, to Billy Wayne and Mary Lee Higgs Northcutt. Married Cynthia Hayes, seven children.

Sister Northcutt is a former temple ordinance worker, stake and ward Young Women president and counselor, ward Primary president and counselor, seminary teacher and counselor in a ward Relief Society presidency. Born in Soda Springs, Idaho, to Rex Haddock and Devonne Dunford Hayes.

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Lane Orin Steinagel, 47, Ukraine Kiev Mission; Lakeside 1st Ward, Provo Utah Sunset Stake; former bishop and counselor, high councilor, ward Young Men president, Scoutmaster and missionary in the Tahiti Papeete and New Zealand Auckland Missions. Senior linguist and manager of language resources, Missionary Training Center. Born in Sacramento, Calif., to Verne Orin and Kennen Whittle Steinagel. Married Jennefer Slade, five children.

A Cubmaster and ward Relief Society teacher, Sister Steinagel is a former counselor in a ward Primary presidency, ward Relief Society president, stake Young Women secretary, ward Young Women camp director and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission. Born in Sacramento, Calif., to Thomas Edmund and Verdis Annette Howard Slade.

Miguel Angel Tenorio, 52, Bolivia Cochabamba Mission; Monterrico Ward, Lima Peru Surco Stake; high councilor; former counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, mission executive secretary, and missionary in the Mexico Hermosillo Mission. Director of Church Temporal Affairs in the South America West Area. Born in San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico, to Octaviano Tenorio Herrera and Flora Dominguez Vazquez Tenorio. Married Graciela Elizabeth Guevara Motte, five children.

A ward Primary president, Sister Tenorio is a former ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president and counselor in a ward Relief Society presidency. Born in Mexico, D.F. to Ruben Guevara Garcia and Laura Motte Barranco.

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