Prominent evangelicals
urged Christian conservatives Wednesday to support "an expansion of our
concerns beyond single-issue politics," angering some leaders on the
religious right who have been closely allied with the Republican Party.
In a 19-page document called "An Evangelical Manifesto,"
more than 70 theologians, pastors and others said faith and politics
have been too closely mixed. They warned against Christians adopting
any one political view.
"That way faith loses its independence,
Christians become 'useful idiots' for one political party or another,
and the Christian faith becomes an ideology," they wrote.
Many veteran Christian activists on the right side of the political spectrum do not support the declaration.
Dobson, founder of the conservative Christian group Focus on the
Family, reviewed the document and was invited to sign it, but did not,
said Gary Schneeberger, a spokesman for Dobson. Dobson consulted the
group's board of directors — a common practice — and the board agreed
he shouldn't sign "due to myriad concerns about the effort,"
Schneeberger said.
"One of the things that disappointed Dr. Dobson was that when the manifesto
was initially circulated, no African-American pastors or theologians
were on the invite list," Schneeberger said. "His thinking was, 'How
can this purport to represent the voice of evangelicals when people so vital to who we are as a movement are excluded from involvement?'"
He would not discuss any other of Dobson's concerns.
Rev. John Huffman, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, a
megachurch in Pasadena, Calif., acknowledged the effort lacks
participation from African-Americans and women. But he said the initial
signers are merely a beginning and "anyone can sign on if this
resonates with them."
Richard Land, head of the public policy arm
of the conservative Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant
group in the country, said he was not asked to sign the document. The
Southern Baptists routinely receive video greetings from President Bush
at their annual meetings.
Janice Shaw Crouse, director of the Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute, said the manifesto
was "blurring the distinctions between liberal and conservative" and
would confuse Christian voters about the issues that are most
important: opposition to abortion and gay marriage.
Jerry Newcombe, a senior producer of the conservative Christian TV show "The Coral Ridge Hour," said the manifesto creates a "straw man" by portraying some evangelicals as intolerant and seeking to create a theocracy.
of the whole point they were making was that we need to be more civil
in our dialogue. I agree. But I guess the question is who is being
uncivil here?" Newcombe said. He said atheists "really want to shut
down voices on the other side."
Conservative Christians comprise about one-third of GOP members, but polls have found that younger evangelicals
are less tied to the party than their parents and are seeking a broader
agenda, that includes fighting poverty, racism and global warming.
polls have found that many non-Christians have negative views of
today's Christians, saying they are too judgmental and political.
"Our problem is not mislabeling by the press or rebranding because we have a bad image," said Os Guiness, an evangelical
scholar and a drafter of the document, which was released in
Washington. "The problem is reality. Much of evangelicalism is not evangelical."
Among the drafters and preliminary supporters of the manifesto
are Richard Mouw, president of Fuller Theological Seminary in
California; Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic
Christian Leadership Conference; Jim Wallis, founder and editor of
Sojourners Magazine; and Frank Wright, president of the National
Religious Broadcasters.
The manifesto
has been in development for a few years and organizers insisted they
did not time the release for the presidential election. John McCain,
the presumptive Republican nominee for president, has been struggling
to win over evangelicals.
John Green,
senior fellow at the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, said the
document held a message for both major parties.
"Republicans need to realize that evangelicals
care about a lot of things," Green said, "The message to Democrats is
similar: Don't ignore us. If you pursue the right issues and have the
right platform, there are many evangelicals who will consider voting for you."
The document says liberals share the blame for mingling politics and religion, but most sharply condemns evangelicals, saying many of their problems "are those of our own making."
declaration seeks "an expansion of our concern beyond single-issue
politics, such as abortion and marriage." It also condemns
anti-intellectualism among fundamentalists and the "pose as victims"
that many U.S. evangelicals adopt.
need a new tone in expressing their views, the document says. The
culture war has become a "holy war" with a "dangerous incubation of
conflicts, hatreds and lawsuits."
On the Net:
Evangelical Manifesto text
AP Religion Writer Eric Gorski contributed to this report.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press.