Tuesday, August 25
Mormon Bar:
Ever been to Mormon Bar? It's a town in California highlighted in
"Bars, Mormons, Gold, etc.," which features an article about oddly-named places in the United States.
I bet a lot of Mormons take pictures next to that town sign.
Nauvoo Temple: "The
Nauvoo Temple is my favorite Temple with no competition in sight. I
wanted to make a video that would illustrate the richness of its
symbolism as well as showcase its elegant beauty. I hope I succeeded."
I think he did. Click for a beautifully uplifting video showcasing The Nauvoo Temple.
Be kind:
Did you know it's the "Be Kind to Humankind" week? What a great excuse to sprinkle small acts
of kindness throughout your weekly activities. Check out this blog for
some great suggestions to share kindness and be sure to keep track of
the kindnesses shown to you!