Wednesday, August 26Visiting India: Sister Beck Visits Mormons in India is a personal account by Sangeetha, a member from India, and includes details, testimony and a lovely photo of Sister Beck's visit. Here is a taste: "I was very impressed the way she presented her talk. It was very simple she did not use any power point presentation or any thing extra, all she used is her own personal example of how she grew and how the Lord helped her. I know that she truly is called of God."Referral Center: Dr. B compiled missionary blog accounts about On the Job Missionary Training: Missionaries Tell About MTC Call Center Source of Referrals and Even a Few Baptisms. One missionaries provides a great glimpse at working at the Referral Center: "It was way intimidating at first, they basically said, 'Here's the phone and the prompt. Go invite people to come unto Christ!'" Check it out!Mormon Fiction: Yesterday marked the 165th birthday of Mormon fiction, at least by this blogger's estimation. And if you go by the first published piece of Mormon fiction, Parley P. Pratt's "A Dialogue Between Joseph Smith and the Devil," which was printed in the New York Herald on August 25, 1844, then it is definitely time to wish Happy Birthday, Mormon Fiction. Click to read Pratt's fascinating work!Youth materials: I love finding simple blog-inspired ideas that make life easier, this one is directed at making a sort of church bag bling, or, in other words, a compilation of all the youth materials into one simple spiral-bound book. Find out how to make this easy reference with just a click!
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