The belief that the Earth is warming as the result of human activity, such as burning fossil fuels, is not accepted by a majority of Americans; but it is not for lack of knowledge about the issue. Though just under half of the public (49%) believes in man-made global warming —11% do not believe there is even solid evidence the Earth is warming — 65% of Americans were able to correctly identify carbon dioxide as the gas scientists believe causes temperatures in the atmosphere to rise. Unlike the general public, an overwhelming number of scientists (84%) say global warming is due to human activity; only 4% say there is no evidence the Earth is warming. Among the public, the main divide is along partisan lines. While 64% of Democrats say the Earth is getting warmer as a result of human activity, 67% of Republicans say the Earth is getting warmer from natural changes or that there is no solid evidence of global warming.
Source: Pew Research Center