The most important lesson Latter-day Saints should draw from this year's study of the Old Testament in gospel doctrine classes is \"the way it gives a type and shadow of the Savior coming to earth,\" the Sunday School general president said.
\"Everything points from the Old Testament to the New Testament,\" observed Russell T. Osguthorpe, who, with his two counselors in the Sunday School general presidency, discussed this year's course of study in a recent Church News interview.
Added David M. McConkie, first counselor, \"We're in a unique position, because as members of the church, we get to study the Old Testament with the light and through the lens of the Restoration. We can understand things in the Old Testament that can't be understood by the world generally, and if we're teachers, we'll teach it with that in mind.\"
Teachers should ask themselves, \"Is what we're teaching different from what the world could teach,\" McConkie suggested. If the answer to that question is no, perhaps some rethinking is in order pertaining to approach, he said.
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This story is provided by the LDS Church News, an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is produced weekly by the Deseret News.