What would we learn about the Savior, if we were to speak with him face to face? What would most impress us about his character and demeanor? The Prophet Moroni has left us his impressions from just such a sacred experience. Among other things, Moroni related "that he hath talked with me face to face, and that he told me in plain humility, even as a man telleth another…" (Ether 12:39). Moroni learned that humility is a godly attribute.
Earlier, this attribute of humility was on Moroni's mind as he sought the Lord regarding his weakness in writing. Moroni felt humbled after reading the mighty writings of the brother of Jared. In comparison to this great and articulate prophet, Moroni felt inadequate "because of the awkwardness of our hands" (Ether 12:24). He recognized that the Lord had given him strength to be powerful and great in speaking, but, "when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words; and I fear lest the Gentiles shall mock at our words" (Ether 12:25).
What could be done? It appears that the difference between self-defeating feelings of inadequacy and true humility is the response to our situations. Upon recognizing our weaknesses, we have several courses that we can take. One might be to retire into a shell because we feel that we are not as good as others. Another might be to feel jealous of those that we believe are strong and capable. A third, and better alternative, is to turn to God, seeking his strength. Moroni learned that God has given us weakness that we might be made strong, if we humble ourselves before him! True humility, like that possessed by the Savior, is in our relationship with our Father in heaven, not in comparing our abilities with that of other human beings. The Son of God is the Almighty I AM. Yet, he honestly faced reality. That is, everything that he is, everything that he knows, he readily acknowledged that he learned from God the Father.
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This story is provided by the LDS Church News, an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is produced weekly by the Deseret News.