About 1,600 to 1,800 calories a day, made up of three meals and three snacks eaten about every 21/2 hours, for consistent fuel throughout the day. She uses a basic food plan found in Jackie Keller's Nutrifit books, found at www.nutrifitonline.com or at 310-473-1989.
Eight fruits and vegetables daily.
Complex carbohydrates, as opposed to simple carbs such as sugar and white flour.
Include two tablespoons of oil per day.
Exercise one hour or more per day. She does four strength training workouts per week; water aerobics or swimming once a week, takes 12,000 steps each day (or five miles), five times a week, and bikes for fun.
Master eating out. Order a chicken salad and bring your own low-fat dressing.
Control stress, through planning and the ability to say, "No, I will not be able to do that right now."
Get a full night's rest. Make time for yourself and put your health as a priority.
Drink eight cups of water per day.
Planning and preparation. Plan your meals; prep meats and vegetables ahead of time so it's easy to cook a healthful meal. Pack a snack and water in your car so you're not tempted to stop for fast food.
Portion control. By weighing and packaging foods ahead of time, you can set limits on it.
Accountability. Find someone you can check in with once a week. Identify your weight goal and the steps it will take to accomplish it. Write down every piece of food that goes into your mouth.
Enjoy the journey and never, never give up.