The only line I remember from my missionary discussions 20-plus years ago is "Because God is perfect, we can have perfect faith in him." As a missionary, who was still very spiritually immature, and one who had cravings for absolute truths, this was a principle that was concrete, easy to understand and grasp a hold of.

"God is perfect." That truth has made all the difference in my life, especially when I realized I was gaining a more permanent residence in "Holland" than I had originally thought.

In "Holland" we are often trying to make sense of why we are here, since we have spent our life planning for and dreaming of "Italy."

Italy represents getting married to the person of our dreams, having as many healthy children as we want and living happily ever after!

At some point in our lives, we all find ourselves in "Holland," or rather "The Unexpected Life." I believe the reason that everyone eventually comes here is because there are things that we must learn that can only be learned in "Holland."

When we arrive, we may find ourselves desperately looking for answers. There is only one who can provide those answers that we need. It is in the process of gathering this information that we come to know and love our Heavenly Father; we begin to learn how wise and perfectly loving he is. We begin to see that he believes in us, and is cheering us on every step of the way.

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said, "Oh, it is wonderful to know that our Heavenly Father loves us — even with all our flaws! His love is such that even should we give up on ourselves, he never will. We see ourselves in terms of yesterday and today. Our Heavenly Father sees us in terms of forever. Although we might settle for less, Heavenly Father won't, for he sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming" (Oct. 2007 general conference).

As a long time resident of "Holland" I can tell you firsthand that the best part of living here is the opportunity to learn so much about the father of our spirits, our Heavenly Father. Maybe it is because we spend so much time on our knees trying to figure this all out. Through experiences, whisperings, trials, opportunities, associations with others and even our mistakes, we learn what a perfect father he is.

And as a wise father who knows the need for trials in our lives, to strengthen us and give us wisdom, he will not grant our every whim. But he will compensate us for the honest losses that we have.

Elder Wirthlin said on another occasion, "The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in his own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude" (Ensign Nov. 2008).

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I believe this with all my heart! And the only reason I can believe this is because I do know that he is perfect. If he was not a perfect father, there is no way I could confidently go to him, or have the faith in him, or know he could help me with my choices, trials and my life in general.

On this Father's Day, we love, appreciate and honor our earthly fathers. That relationship brings a variety of dynamics depending upon the individual. Regardless what that brings, we can be assured that our Father in heaven is perfect, and he loves us perfectly.

I will never regret my time here in "Holland." It is here that I have fallen deeply in love with my Heavenly Father. It is here that I have seen his hand in my life time and time again. It is here that he has taught me faith, trust and compassion. It is here that he has opened my eyes to the needs and sorrows of others. It is here that he has carried me, held me and loved me. How could I ever complain about having to live in "Holland"? The things in my life that are most important were learned right here in "Holland."

So on this special day, I am not only full of gratitude for my earthly father whom I love with all my heart, but I love knowing I have a wonderful Father in heaven. He is perfect, and we can have perfect faith in him! For this I am grateful!

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