Deseret Book will offer lunchtime organ recitals in July.
Organists, including Deseret Book employee Natalie Hales, Blaine Gale from the Organ Loft and Richard Elliott from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, will be spotlighted during the recitals.
Gale will accompany various silent movies that will be shown during his recital.
All performances are free and will be at the downtown store, 45 S. West Temple, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The recitals are:
July 9 — Natalie Hales and friends, Broadway music and other classics
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July 16 — The Organ Loft's Blaine Gale, silent-movie accompaniment
July 23 — Various performers, Pioneer and Patriotic music
July 30 — Mormon Tabernacle Choir organist Richard Elliott, inspirational music