Barack Obama promised that he would not raise taxes on the middle class when he became president. Well, get ready: Not only the middle class but every other class in America will get a huge tax increase if a tax on carbon emissions is made law by the Democrats in Congress. The proposed Obama/Democratic tax on carbon emissions is aimed at petroleum, natural gas and coal energy sources. Theoretically, this tax's purpose is to encourage the use of alternative green energy sources, but since at least 90 percent of the energy we use in our homes, businesses and cars comes from carboniferous energy sources, a tax on carbon emissions will cause the costs of everything to increase dramatically. Everyone and everything that uses energy will be forced to raise their prices in order to offset increased energy costs. It is estimated that energy costs will increase by 33 percent as a result of a carbon tax. This would cause punishing inflation not only for the middle class but also for every other class, including welfare and unemployment insurance recipients.
Frederick Anderson
Salt Lake City