Likely you've noticed the power of the Internet in communicating causes: political causes, charitable causes, moral causes, etc. You may not agree with the cause or choose to participate, but it's getting easier to find and pass information throughout the online world.
One example of a charitable cause enhanced by online communication was when the Haiti earthquake hit early this year. I watched in awe as an LDS Humanitarian widget began to be posted on blog after blog and website after website. This LDS Humanitarian widget is still available and now features links to donate to the following charities: Latter-day Saint Charities General Fund, Clean Water, Emergency Response (responding to disasters around the world where the need is greatest), Neonatal Resuscitation Training, Wheelchair Distribution and Vision Treatment Training.
So every once in awhile, I get an e-mail from a blogger describing a cause they'd like me to feature. This week, I received four e-mails, and while the causes are all different, the effects can be far reaching!
Bishop shooting: "Hi Emily, In case you're able/willing to spread the word, I organized a fundraiser yesterday for the Sannar family, the husband/father was murdered yesterday in the chapel. We've raised $10,000 already. Thanks for whatever you can do. — Connor Boyack" Click here to read about this tragedy: "Mormon bishop fatally shot in California chapel"
Proclamation celebration: "Emily, I posted my list of bloggers participating in our Family Proclamation Celebration in September. You can read it here. There should be 60 guest bloggers and...who knows...100s? of other bloggers participating...thanks, Jocelyn Christensen." And click here to learn more about this blog-based Family Proclamation Celebration.
Mosque support: "Emily, So have you heard about the Facebook group I created 'Mormons Who Support a Mosque Near Ground Zero.' Apparently it's been getting some shout-outs on the Mormon blogosphere. Angela Ashurst-Mcgee." The link above might not work unless you are logged on, so first login into your Facebook account and then click. Or click on this blog post "Mormons Who Support a Mosque Near Ground Zero" to learn more.
Gospel preached: "Emily, I thought you might be interested in this short video. 'The Gospel Preached From the Housetops.' Very interesting thought. :D —Seth Adam Smith."
Now let's find other worthy causes from this past week in the Bloggernacle:
Power pick — If you haven't checked out lately, you may have missed some new features, including how Relief Society and Personal Progress works together, found under the FAQs. And you can also find new Relief Society Training Materials for leaders, including helpful videos and a printable "training and orientation handout shares the vision and goals of the Relief Society general presidency. It can be used to orient new Relief Society leaders to their callings and as a guide for auxiliary and priesthood leaders for ongoing leadership training." Check it out!
Techie tip — Finally, LDS Media Talk explains that if you have just a few minutes (or can talk your teen into it) "The New Era magazine wants to know your opinion." You can click on this survey to let them know what styles of art you prefer and any other art-related comments. Click to make your voice heard!