WASHINGTON — It turns out we were right to be worried about our country's international economic standing. Statistical measures and a survey of business owners indicate the United States has fallen to fourth among nations in global competitiveness.

The respected World Economic Forum's new report on global competitiveness shows that while the U.S. is still the most innovative nation, Switzerland, Sweden and Singapore now outrank us in overall economic competitiveness.

America's deficits and national debt, weakened financial system, lack of access to credit and uncertain government regulatory climate were cited as reasons for the decline. Two years ago, the U.S. ranked first in competitiveness.

Without referring to the loss of confidence in the U.S. economy, President Obama now concedes more must be done at the federal level. Instead of proposing more bailouts for companies deemed "too big to fail," Obama's new tack is to propose giving businesses a 100 percent immediate tax write-off for purchases of new equipment and making the research-and-development tax credit permanent.

These are common-sense, low-cost, job-friendly, GOP-like policies that should be implemented at once. Will that happen? No. It's an election year; incumbents and other candidates are so frightened about voter anger that they don't want to endorse anything, positive or not. It's easier to go negative, which usually works.

Obama has been less than forceful about what needs to be done. He assumed voters would be swayed by the general agreement among economists he did what had to be done to prevent another depression. But he has seemed so out of touch, anemic and unpersuasive about the real fear about the shrinking middle class that many have tuned him out altogether.

Republicans — especially John Boehner, the Ohio congressman who expects to be the next speaker of the House — have fed the fear and legitimate anger. But they have contributed next to no ingredients to the pot of serious ideas on how to restructure the nation's financial system and create jobs.

Republicans insist that despite the deficit and national debt, Congress should keep George W. Bush's tax cuts intact (and eventually make them permanent). Obama says the tax cuts should be kept for those earning below $250,000 a year. The two percent of wealthiest Americans would begin paying the same tax rates they paid in the Clinton presidency to help pay for extension for the middle class.

Obama argues the richest Americans won't spend more if the tax cuts are extended for them, whereas a tax hike on the middle class will force them to restrict spending, increasing the number of foreclosures and bankruptcies.

If a divided Congress does not act, which is becoming increasingly possible, the Bush tax cuts will expire completely in January. And then we'll all be in trouble. Those making $10,000 a year will pay $70 more. The solid middle-class will pay upwards of $1,000 more. Those making from $100,000 to $200,000 will pay about $3,500 a year. The per-child tax deduction will decline from $1,000 to $500. The marriage penalty for two-earner couples will return.

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The Nov. 2 election will be about two things: the economy (loss of jobs) and philosophy of government. Tea Partiers are so angry at what they perceive is the overextended federal government and so worried about the national deficit that they don't want the government to do anything about the economy. If government gets off the backs of business owners, they say, everything will be fine.

Democrats are saying that the meltdown has been too widespread and too complex for the old solutions to work. In other words, if Washington doesn't act, economic recovery will be slower to come, if it arrives at all.

The problem for Republicans is that none of them have explained how the nation can afford to continue the tax cuts for the rich and also reduce the deficit, which is contributing to America's decline in competitiveness.

Scripps Howard columnist Ann McFeatters has covered the White House and national politics since 1986. E-mail amcfeatters@nationalpress.com.

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