PROVO — Impaired drivers beware: Provo police will be looking for you as 2011 comes to a close.
Lots of them.
The Provo Police Department has announced plans for "saturation patrols" Thursday through Saturday, New Year's Eve, checking drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment.
If officers suspect a driver has been drinking or is otherwise impaired, they will conduct field sobriety tests. And those who fail can expect to go to jail.
"Impaired drivers put innocent people in harm's way," Chief Rick Gregory said. "We will do everything we can to rid our roadways of those who chose to operate vehicles while under the influence."
Gregory said motorists who observe someone driving impaired should call 9-1-1.
"If you chose to consume alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, don't operate a vehicle," he said.
Saturation patrols have proven to be effective in reducing the number of people killed and injured in alcohol-related crashes, police said. They also help increase awareness of the dangers of impaired driving.