SALT LAKE CITY — Six family members were in their front yard when an airborne car driven by a 20-year-old man fleeing police flew into their driveway and injured three of them as it skidded into the house at about 11 a.m. Sunday.
Shannon Howard said her husband, 31-year-old Curtis Howard, her 28-year-old sister, Tawni Stamm, and Stamm's 18-month-old daughter were all injured when the car came crashing into the yard of their house at 251 E. Downington Ave.
The driver of the vehicle, Albino Gabriel Juak was booked into the Salt Lake County jail on charges of fleeing police, causing property damage, causing body injury, suspended drivers license, forfeit of vehicle license plates, hit and run, reckless driving and driving with a denied, suspended or revoked license.
The Howards live with Shannon's parents, who were also in the front yard, when a tan Cadillac speeding down the street careened out of control and hit a car parked on the street and then a large tree in the yard next door. The impact pushed down the tree, which acted as a ramp that launched the Cadillac over a Jaguar parked in the driveway where the people were standing.
Salt Lake Police Lt. Bryce Johnson said the Cadillac hit the man as it came down. "It hit the male and launched him into the house." All three of those injured were taken by ambulance to area hospitals.
The group was getting ready to leave the house, deciding whether to take a Toyota or the Jaguar parked behind it in the driveway. "We were contemplating whether to take the Jaguar that was in the back or the Toyota, but my mom pretty much forced us to take the Toyota," Shannon said. "I was just buckling the car seat in. My sister had her daughter, standing on the other side of the car. I just heard screeching and we got hit."
"If we were in the Jag we would have been killed. We would have been putting stuff in the trunk, in the Jag, and that's exactly where the car came across. We would have been really in bad shape. We would have been standing literally where that (Cadillac) was," Shannon said. The Cadillac hit the Toyota as well as the front of the house before it came to rest.
Shannon said firefighters' hazardous materials crews were called in because the impact ruptured a container of her husband's chemotherapy drugs — he is in treatment for cancer. The group was on their way to visit a relative in Logan who had recently suffered serious burns.
Witnesses told police they saw Juak climb out through the window and run away. Officers said they were looking for a 5-foot-10-inch black man wearing a black hoodie and black pants.
Shannon said she did not see Juak get out and run away. "I just ran to my husband. I put rags under him until paramedics arrived."
Gust Melonas lives in the house next door, where the Cadillac hit the tree. "I was watching out the window and heard some screeching from a car coming down the road," Melonas said. After the Cadillac hit the car parked on the street, it "came up on my lawn and hit a tree. The tree laid down, and this car that he was driving, it launched it right in the air, right into the neighbor's yard" where it also hit and damaged the house.
Officers with automatic weapons and search dogs scoured the area north of the crash scene looking for Juak. Police were going door to door when he bolted from a back yard and was chased by police, who tackled him near 1700 South and Edison (150 East) just before 1 p.m. He was arrested and taken to an area hospital for treatment of minor injuries, said police Lt. Isaac Atencio. "I don't know whether we'll be guarding him at the hospital or whether he will be booked into jail."
Johnson said police first noticed the car at a 7-Eleven on 500 East and 1700 South. An officer noticed it did not have a rear license plate. "Our officer pulled in behind in an attempt to pull the car over," Johnson said. "When the officer did that, the car fled from her. The officer followed our policy and shut down her emergency equipment and pulled to the side of the road" because the suspect's vehicle was in a residential area.
The car sped away toward 300 East then turned west on Downington Ave. (1820 South). Another officer at the crash scene estimated the car was traveling about 80 mph before Juak lost control, careened off the car parked on the street then took out the tree.
Shannon said her husband has two fractures in his shoulder, a concussion, and a brick-shaped laceration in the back of his head. "He's doing OK. He's still at University Hospital." She said Stamm and her daughter were treated at two different hospitals and have since been released. "Her daughter went to Primary. She has a laceration on her eye and a black eye and stuff. My sister's got some torn tissue in her knee."
Twitter: SteveFidel