The Utah State Legislature heard the voice of the people as we cried for legislative ethics reform. In response, they passed HB477, the net effect of which will be that it will be even easier for them to hide behavior the moronic masses might misinterpret to be unethical.
After all, what the public doesn't know about the legislative process can't be used against legislators. Clearly, there have been too many recent instances where some poor, unsuspecting legislator has sent a colleague an e-mail containing something the public was duped into believing was unethical, and the poor legislator was embarrassed into resigning from that august body.
Do a recall on John Dougall and every single one of the 61 "Representatives" and 21 "Senators" who voted for this demonstration of legislative arrogance. Teach them once and for all what "ethics" means — because they clearly don't have a clue now.
David McNeill
South Jordan