Q: Do you know who's going to replace Chris Meloni on "Law & Order: SVU"? Will they keep the show going since he left?
Josh Elliot is a good news anchor on "Good Morning America," by the way!
— Joe, 25, East McKeesport, Pa.
Rob Owen: "Law & Order: SVU" will have some new stars come fall: Danny Pino ("Cold Case") and Kelli Giddish ("Chase") will join the veteran series.
As for the new news anchor on ABC's "GMA," his abrasive, buttinski manner continues to drive me nuts. With awful Ann "Don't Mind That I Interrupt Whoever I'm Interviewing" Curry taking over on NBC's "Today" and smarmy Elliot blabbing too much on "GMA," I'm at a loss for what to watching in the morning. Is it possible I might actually consider watching CBS's "The Early Show"? (shudder)
Q: Say it isn't so ... What happened with "Brothers & Sisters"? Is it the high cost of the ensemble cast that caused its demise? I feel like we were left with a lot of unfinished business. As my dear husband said, if ABC still keeps "Desperate Housewives," they should certainly keep "Brothers & Sisters."
— Jan, 35, Elizabeth, Pa.
Rob: I think it was multiple factors, and I imagine the high cost of the cast played into it, but the cold reality is this: "Desperate Housewives" got better ratings than "Brothers & Sisters."
Q: We watch a lot of TCM and have a question about the hosting done by Robert Osborne. What's the rationale for having essentially a single host rather than a variety of personalities delivering commentary? And don't you think his suits look like they were tailored for a man two sizes bigger?
— Cathy, 50, Pittsburgh
Rob: I'm pretty busy trying to keep up with prime-time TV series to have much time for movie channels, so I haven't seen Osborne's suits to offer comment on their fit. As for the rationale for a single host, I'd imagine employing one host is less costly than employing multiple hosts.
Here's a response from a TCM spokeswoman: "Ever since the launch of TCM in 1994, Robert Osborne has served as the network's prime-time host. He was chosen because of his background in the industry, including extensive work as a journalist and film historian. Robert has a rare combination of film expertise, incredible passion for movies and the ability to connect with fans on television. We believe it makes sense for Robert to serve as the primary voice of the network. Our fans relate to Robert in a ... way that wouldn't be possible if there were multiple hosts. That said, many people appear on TCM. In addition to weekend daytime host Ben Mankiewicz, TCM regularly invites guests to share their thoughts. A huge array of stars, directors, producers and film experts have joined TCM over the years. Our upcoming guest programmers, for example, include Conan O'Brien and Cher. Each week, TCM's 'The Essentials' showcase features a discussion between Robert and actor Alec Baldwin."
Q: First, I am not stalking Jimmy Kimmel. I noticed his birthday is the same date and year as mine. I am curious what time he was born. It is just a weird thought when I heard his birth date.
Can you get the answer for me or give a way to ask his show?
— Dominica, 43, Castle Shannon, Pa.
Rob: Maybe Dominica's mistake was starting with "I am not stalking ..." When you have to declare what you're not doing it tends to make people think that's exactly what you are doing.
Regardless, I tried to get an answer from Kimmel, who declined to offer a response.
Ask TV questions by sending your query, name, age, city and state to owenr@shns.com. Follow TV writer Rob Owen on Twitter or Facebook under RobOwenTV.