LOGAN — A new report shows Utah's higher education institutions generate more degrees for dollars spent than other institutions in the nation.
According to the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, Utah is ranked third in the country for efficiency in higher education. Utah's higher education institutions receive 26 percent less funding, including tuition, than their peer institutions, according to the report.
The efficiency report looked at various cost-cutting solutions, such as the ability to transfer credits between Utah institutions, to concurrent enrollment programs, as a way Utah has kept costs low. Faculty efficiencies, technology/library integration and partnerships with state and local agencies were some other ways funds were optimized.
The study listed Utah as "high performance, low funding," for undergraduate students and funding.
During this economic downturn, "Utah receives less state appropriation and collects less tuition per full time student than most states, so we've had to come up with solutions to do more with less," Utah Commissioner of Higher Education Bill Sederburg said.
The report was presented during the monthly meeting of the Utah State Board of Regents, which was held at Utah State University on Friday.
— Geoffrey Fattah