Why as a society do we always turn to the government regarding issues that can easily be fixed simply by taking more responsibility in our own lives? Is it perhaps that it's easier to let the government enforce something rather then to worry about things ourselves?
With many issues — such as violent video games and fast food — people would rather pass ridiculous laws banning things rthan simply take control of their lives.
Places in California are now passing laws that McDonald's can no longer have toys in their happy meals because it draws children in to eat unhealthy food. But why can't parents just tell their children they can't have McDonald's because it is unhealthy? Instead, we adopt these strange bills to try to outlaw things that other people love and enjoy.
They also started a bill in California to make it illegal to sell violent or mature rated video games to children under the age of 18. The bill was struck down by the Supreme Court 7-2 because it violated the First Amendment, as the government cannot regulate ideas exposed to kids. But it puzzles me why we try to pass laws that do not make any sense when proper parenting can fix the issue.
Before people look to the government to solve these concerns, they should look in the mirror.
Bridger James