BOUNTIFUL — Senior Citizens at Heritage Place Senior Living are collecting 2,000 blankets to donate to charities benefiting disaster survivors and those in need. The blanket drive runs until July 22, when Bountiful celebrates Handcart Days with a parade and fair.
Elizabeth Jordan, a resident of Heritage Place, encouraged the administration to sponsor the service project.
"This seemed like the perfect service project," said DaLynn Case, life enhancement coordinator at Heritage Place.
The selected charities are Operation Smile, Doctors Without Borders, the American Red Cross and LDS Humanitarian Services. Blankets may range in size from 45 inches by 45 inches (infant size) to double bed size. Donations may be made at Heritage Place Senior Living in Bountiful at 1150 S. Main Street during regular business hours.
For questions, contact Heritage Place at 801-298-3241.