SALT LAKE CITY — While many baby boomers hitting retirement sit back and relax, others are jumping back into the parental trenches and raising their grandchildren.
Across the United States, 7 percent, or 4.9 million children under the age of 18 are living in their grandparent's home, according to FoxBusiness. This presents a particular challenge to the aging generation, as incomes are often below the poverty line and more affordable senior communities often do not allow children. Aging grandparents are also often physically worn.
In Oklahoma, 79,580 grandchildren are being raised by their grandparents, according to NewsOK and the U.S. Census Bureau. NewsOK reports that a good majority of grandchildren move in with grandma and grandpa because of teen pregnancy, incarceration and the substance abuse of their mothers.
"Often grandparents step in to remove a child from an unfriendly home situation," said Jane Garner of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
In Kentucky, just over 86,000 grandparents are raising their grandchildren, according to The website also indicates that substance abuse is a main factor in the rise of grandparent caregivers, as parents no longer can or want to care for their children.
"Nine times out of 10 for us, it is substance-abuse issues," Stacie Noble, who oversees programs that assist grandparents raising grandchildren, told
With the increase in grandparents raising their grandchildren, support groups have formed in order to assist, and the government offers benefits as well, benefits can be found at