While having dinner with my 20-something-year-old sons, I discovered that neither one had ever registered to vote. They asked why should they since their vote didn't matter in Utah. I told them that I felt they had a responsibility to exercise their right to vote.
It has nothing to do with whether or not their one vote will be the deciding factor in any election. It has to do with honoring the sacrifices of George Washington and the Founding Fathers, the many men and women who had sacrificed their lives and their families to fight and preserve this right. My sons have an obligation to sustain their grandfathers who left their wives and loved ones to fight in World War II.
My sons responded that they have the right not to vote. I told them no. I pointed to my glass of soda on the table and asked them whose drink it was? They said it was mine. I explained. Yes. That is my drink. I have the choice to drink it or not drink it. But it is still my drink. Then I said that they have the right to vote. You have a choice to vote or not vote but you don't have a right to not vote. You only have a right to vote. They agreed.
I hope they choose to exercise that right.
Charles Stewart