Thank goodness the professional football referees are back on the job. Democrats and Republicans united over this important issue and pressured the league to end the lockout. It would have ended civilization as we know it if they hadn't found the money to increase the referees' salaries $24,000 in 2013, to increase their retirement income and to hire more officials.
The screams from the public to get the knowledgeable professionals making the decisions warmed the hearts of all true Americans. I am so grateful the officials are getting the respect they so deserve.
I can hardly wait for that same public pressure on the Legislature to adequately fund education — increasing educators' salaries more than the pitiful $358 total master teachers in our district have received in the last four years, increasing rather than decreasing educators' retirement income and hiring more teachers so there aren't English classes of 40 students and math and science classes of 44.
I anticipate the cries of support for education professionals to make the decisions and the demands to give them the respect they deserve. Oh, wait. Priorities must be set. Teachers are only entrusted with our children's future. That can't compare to a football game.
Virginia Riley