SALT LAKE CITY — The end of daylight saving time means many bicycle commuters may find themselves riding home in the dark.
On Tuesday, Nov. 13, the Salt Lake City transportation division and police department will partner with bicycle advocacy organizations Bike Utah and Salt Cycle, to provide free bicycle lights to riders on the road who are not properly equipped.
State law mandates that bicycles on roadways must be equipped with a white headlight, red taillight or reflector and side reflectors and be visible from at least 500 feet, when riding a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise, or when it’s difficult to see farther than 1,000 feet ahead.
The goal of the bike light giveaway is to promote safety and prevent accidents through raising awareness about bicycle safety.
The free lights will be distributed during the early evening at various locations along popular bicycle commuting routes in Salt Lake City. Installation assistance will also be provided, if needed.