Special visitors: A mission in Africa received some special visitors recently. “Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and Elders (L. Whitney) Clayton and (Dale G.) Renlund and their wives came to spend five days in our mission," writes the missionary president and his wife on the blog C'est la Vie. "They met with literally thousands of saints in Kinshasa and then with a small group of about 125 in Central African Republic. It was truly clear evidence that the Lord loves all his children, and church leaders are aware of and make great efforts to minister to them all. You are just going to need to click in to see more about about “A Wonderful Weekend with Visitors,” which included Elder Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints attending a very special graduation ceremony.
Flash mob: What happens when the BYU Singers decide to do a Flashmob of "O Sapientia" in the Harold B. Lee Library? Musical nerdiness combining with popular culture memes. Love it. Click in to watch.
Helping hands: Yesterday I spotlighted a wonderful video titled "Mormon Helping Hands," which is worth another link and another viewing. It's about the amazing "Mormon Helping Hands" effort in New York City in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Along with that, today I want to showcase a new Facebook page for the “Mormon Helping Hands New England” effort also going on. Click in to learn more and to see if you can help.
Temple bibliography: Around 7,000 entries. That’s what a “Temple Studies Bibliography” includes. As the compiler, Danel Bachman, explained: “In 2006 I began an extensive study of the temple and one of the first things I did was begin compiling a bibliography of available information. With the help of the Internet the bibliography grew rapidly. It was decided to put this 'preliminary list' online on the website for the Academy of Temple Studies while additional proofreading and editing is underway.” So it’s still in preliminary stages, but worth perusing. Click in!
BYU Singers Flashmob at Harold B. Lee Library
The BYU Singers appear out of the crowd to sing "O Sapientia" in the Harold B. Lee Library on the Brigham Young University campus.
Emily W. Jensen updates "Today in the Bloggernacle" on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, presenting the best from the world of LDS-oriented blog sites. Her extended "Bloggernacle Back Bench" appears on Tuesdays. Email: ejensen@desnews.com