Growing up in Southern California, we never had any warning of an earthquake. But they came, they were often frightening, and they struck when you least expected it. Either everything in the house would shake or you’d just feel seasick as the floor rolled beneath your feet. Then the whole family would run to stand in a doorway, hoping nothing collapsed around us. We were always fortunate to have been spared any big losses, but the huge temblor that struck the San Francisco Bay area in 1989 was devastating. That quake killed 63 people — including one of our dear friends — and injured nearly 4,000 others, leaving thousands more homeless.
Those thoughts come to mind again, as the nation views the destruction left in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. The news video of families losing all their possessions, braving cold temperatures day after day without heat, and hoping they can find a meal and gas someplace is almost too much to watch.
This Sunday on “Mormon Times TV,” you’ll find out how members and missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ran to the aid of the distressed — and how those of us outside the affected area can offer help and support.
It seems like an unlikely thing for the LDS Church to do, but on our Nov. 18 show, you’ll also see how real Mormon missionaries landed in a reality TV series. It’s unscripted, appropriate and compelling — and the Missionary Department hopes you will watch and learn.
You won’t want to miss Alisa Bangerter’s segment showing us how to turn family fun into family service. She's got more than a dozen great ideas that you’ll want to try out this holiday season.
Plus a local choir gets an invitation from Motown legend Gladys Knight that changes their lives. That was seven years ago, and the Divine Heritage choir is still going strong. They’ll be performing for us on the show this Sunday.
The “Mormon Times TV" television show airs weekly on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. on KSL-TV/Channel 5 following the Mormon Tabernacle Choir broadcast. It can also be viewed online at, where you can see past episodes. And we invite you to follow us on Facebook at and join in the conversation. We’re always looking for inspiring, uplifting stories that involve people of the LDS faith. If you have some ideas you’d like to share with us, drop me an email at
Michelle King is the host of "Mormon Times TV," which airs Sundays at 10 a.m. on KSL. Email: