Most colleges and universities in Utah and Brigham Young University-Idaho in Rexburg, Idaho, offer financial assistance to top students in the Deseret News KSL Broadcast Group Sterling Scholar Awards program. Some scholarships are offered to winners only while other institutions may offer them to runners-up as well. Some financial assistance may also be offered to finalists or even nominees in the program. Several are renewable based on the student's grade point average; therefore, the awards vary. The following are participating educational institutions and their financial assistance for 2012 Sterling Scholars.
Bridgerland Applied Technology College, Logan — Full tuition waiver for enrollment in a full-time preparatory program beginning within one year of high school graduation to all winners. Runners-up will receive half tuition waivers. Visit BATC online at
Brigham Young University, Provo — One year (two semesters) full LDS tuition scholarships to all category winners contingent upon admission to BYU by the appropriate deadline. Should you qualify for an academic scholarship at BYU, you will receive whichever scholarship is of greater value.
Brigham Young University-Idaho, Rexburg, Idaho — Full-tuition scholarships offered to regional winners for one year (two semesters) and half-tuition scholarships for one year (two semesters) to regional runners-up, contingent upon admission to BYU-Idaho by the appropriate deadline. Regional winners and regional runners-up may not receive more than full tuition from BYU-Idaho for any one semester.
Utah State University-College of Eastern Utah, Price — A two-year scholarship, including student fees, to all regional winners and runners-up, valued at $4,800. Also, a scholarship valued up to $4,400 to all Sterling Scholars in each category named from their high school. If you qualify for an academic scholarship, you will receive the scholarship of greater value. Scholarships are contingent upon recipients maintaining 12 credit hours per semester and a 3.0 semester GPA.
Dixie State College of Utah, St. George — Dixie State College offers one-year, full-tuition waivers to Utah High School Sterling Scholar winners. Sterling Scholar scholarships, when used in conjunction with any other scholarships awarded from Dixie State College, cannot exceed the cost of full tuition. To claim this scholarship, the student must be admitted to Dixie State College and submit a copy of their Sterling Scholar Certificate to the scholarship coordinator. Contact Sue Perschon at
LDS Business College, Salt Lake City — One year full tuition to winners (valued at $2,900) and one half tuition to runners-up (valued at $1,450 ). Also, full tuition is available to the runners-up in the Business & Marketing category. Scholarship award is contingent upon student meeting admissions requirements.
Neumont University, South Jordan — New Mountain Scholarship offers up to 25 percent of the cost of tuition to encourage the enrollment of highly qualified students, Neumont University grants scholarships of up to 25 percent of tuition costs for students who demonstrate superior academic competency and skills. Students awarded tuition scholarships are not eligible for other institutional scholarships awarded by the university.
Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City — A full-year tuition waiver is offered to the first four applicants (winners, runners-up and finalists) in an eligible program. Sterling Scholar scholarships are given on a first-come, first-serve basis and are nonrenewable and limited. Recipients must enroll in a minimum of nine credit hours (scholarship amount based on tuition for enrolled credit hours). Students are required to pay individual fees. Scholarship may be added to other awards but not in all cases. Recipients must provide a copy of certificate or newspaper clipping of award.
Snow College, Ephraim — A two-year resident tuition scholarship is offered to a regional winner or runner-up in any Sterling Scholar category. This scholarship cannot be used in conjunction with an academic scholarship. To be eligible for any scholarship, students must submit the application for admissions and scholarships, postmarked on or before the "new" student scholarship deadline. Students seeking this scholarship must provide documentation to the scholarship office showing receipt of the Regional Sterling Scholar award by May 1 of the year awarded. Additional information on all available scholarships is available at
Southern Utah University – Cedar City – Two year, $2,500 awards to all five regional Sterling Scholar winners and runners-up.
University of Utah, Salt Lake City — Renewable full-tuition waivers to all regional winners for a total value of approximately $27,700 for a maximum of eight semesters or until the student receives a baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.6 and complete 24 hours of course work every two semesters of the academic year, namely fall and spring. For additional information about scholarships at the University of Utah, please go to
Utah State University, Logan – In addition to any other scholarship received from USU, regional winners will receive a $2,000 stipend for two years ($500 per semester for four semesters); regional runners-up will receive a $1,000 stipend for one year ($500 per semester for two semesters); and finalists in the Wasatch Front Region receive a $500 stipend for one year ($250 per semester for two semesters). USU scholarship requirements can be found at Students must apply for admissions by Dec. 1 to qualify. Winners and runners-up should contact Katie Gildea at and provide a copy of the award.
Utah Valley University, Orem — Any Regional winner or runner-up is eligible to receive an Exemplary four-year tuition Scholarship upon completion of the online scholarship application and meeting the listed requirements including a 3.0 cumulative GPA, along with providing verification of their Sterling Scholar award. All high school category winners are eligible for a one-year full-tuition scholarship upon completion of the online scholarship application by the Feb. 1 deadline and the listed requirements including a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Instructions to apply are located at
Weber State University, Ogden — Regional winners will be awarded one year partial tuition ($2,250). Runners-up will receive partial tuition ($1,350). High school winners may be eligible for partial-tuition scholarships ($1,350). The Scholarship Office must be notified by July to post the Sterling Scholar Award. Students must be admitted and submit an online scholarship application. Instructions to apply are located at weber/undergrads/apply for scholarships.html. Recipient must be a Utah resident attending full-time and maintain a 2.5 GPA. Students may start applying for 2012-2013 scholarships by Sept. 1.
Westminster College, Salt Lake City — Renewable full-tuition scholarship to all winners, valued at $25,560.
Renewable half-tuition scholarships to all runners-up, valued at $12,780. Students must maintain good academic standing and satisfactory progress to renew the scholarship for up to eight semesters of study or receipt of bachelor's degree (whichever comes first). Full-time enrollment is required. Students who have been awarded an incoming merit-based scholarship (Presidential, Deans, Founders or Westminster) from Westminster and are also a winner or runner-up in the five Sterling Scholar Regional competitions will receive the single scholarship with the higher amount.
NOTE: Awards are listed as described by the institutions. Exact amounts are not included due to some changes in fee structures and some restrictions may apply. Application must be made immediately; good for the 2012-2013 school year.
All of the above subject to change.