ST. GEORGE — A reunion for the descendants of pioneers Joseph and Polly Peck Knight will be June 8-9. The reunion includes a meeting in the St. George Tabernacle on June 8 at 7 p.m. with talks by St. George Temple President Bruce C. Hafen and temple matron Marie Hafen. On June 9, the rededication of Lydia Knight's headstone will take place on her 200th birthday. Lydia was the wife of Newel Knight and crossed the plains as a widow with seven children.

Joseph Knight Sr. was a friend of the Prophet Joseph Smith and helped support him during the translation of the Book of Mormon. Both Joseph Knight Sr. and Newel Knight are mentioned in the Doctrine and Covenants, sections 12 and 23.

The genealogies of Joseph Knight Sr.'s children and new family history research will be discussed in workshop classes on Friday starting at 1 p.m. at the LDS chapel at 445 S. 300 East, St. George. Fun family activities and tours are planned throughout the Dixie area for both days.

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