I've talked with many mayors from around the country, and I know they would love to have the problems we have in Provo. – Provo Mayor John Curtis
Donny Osmond will star in the next CSI television franchise — at least according to a spoof Osmond did with Jay Leno.
Osmond appeared Wednesday on "The Tonight Show," staring in a skit about a show called "CSI: Provo." The skit parodied the recently canceled "CSI: Miami" and the show's star Lt. Horatio Caine, played by David Caruso.
Sunglasses in hand (as much as on face) Osmond is shown discovering Provo's "biggest coke bust" (a stash of caffeine-laden Coka-Cola) and there is no shortage of cringe-worthy one liners ("Now that's a pickup line!").
Provo Mayor John Curtis seemed to take the skit in good fun.
"I've talked with many mayors from around the country, and I know they would love to have the problems we have in Provo," Curtis said on his blog.
Curtis did point out his city's actual library looks far nicer than the one depicted in the video.