Our take: Atheist Richard Dawkins made a surprising statement saying that he supports the placement of Bibles in public schools across England. He does admit, however, that he has ulterior motives, saying that the best way to dispel "myths" that the Bible is a guide to morality for society is for people to read it for themselves. Others disagree and worry that it could be viewed that the country is giving preference to one religion over another.
Atheist Richard Dawkins says he supports the Department for Education's drive to make sure every public school in the nation has a copy of the King James Bible.
"A native speaker of English who has never read a word of the King James Bible is verging on the barbarian," said Dawkins in a column for The Guardian.
The author and evolutionary biologist even went as far as to say he would have donated to the cause had he been given the opportunity to do so.
The books are being distributed to the schools in celebration of the translation's 400th anniversary last year. The plan is being spearheaded by education secretary Michael Gove, who wrote the letter that is being included with each of the Bibles. While some have enthusiastically supported Gove's goal, others say it is unfair to people who hold to beliefs other than Christianity.
Read more at ChristianToday.com.