AP's in-house Olympic poet, Fred Lief, offers some rhyming commentary at the halfway mark:
Halftime in London: Yes, now we're in deep
After a start with McCartney and sheep.
Gabby takes flight and Pistorius thrills,
Phelps exits in style (it helps to have gills).
Wiggins, who clearly has cycling mastered,
Speeds to the gold, then promptly gets plastered.
Eight Asian players touch off a debate
About how to deal with Badmintongate.
Jessica Ennis? Let the bards write odes.
If only she could clear cars from the roads
Or fill empty seats to soothe wounded pride.
Maybe Paul should have sung "Ticket to Ride."
— Fred Lief — Twitter http://twitter.com/fredlief
EDITOR'S NOTE — "Eyes on London" shows you the Olympics through the eyes of Associated Press journalists across the 2012 Olympic city and around the world. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.