Information for parents about the film "Captain Phillips."

  • Violence: Guns are present throughout the film and are used as blunt instruments. Snipers are used by the military. People are taken hostage and forced into vehicles. One man uses a wrench to hurt another. A knife is used, and there are wounds displayed. Blood is splattered across a person.
  • Threats: A man is tied up and threatened with execution. Many times threats are used to coerce people to do things. Pirates use threats as a way of life. Many times guns are put to people's heads.
  • Tone/language: This film is gritty and does not apologize for appearing real. Older kids will be fine, but those younger than 13 could get upset. Smoking is present as well as chewing of “khat” (a plant classified as a stimulant that's legal in Somalia). There are a few swear words spoken and in subtitles.
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Shawn O'Neill is the Family Man Movie Reviewer. You can see his reviews at

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